What is required when submitting a Traffic Management Plan?

If construction or special events are going to cause interruptions to mobility for pedestrians, cyclists, or vehicles, or interruptions to the community including surrounding businesses and residents, cities require a Traffic Management Plan (TMP). The objective is to assure safe passage for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles around the project site with minimal interruptions to the community.

Here are the basics:

Project Details and Schedule

The purpose of this section is to describe the project from beginning to end.

  • Described each phase of work
  • Define the scope of the area that will be affected by construction activities
  • Describe the location and length of the proposed on-street building zone
  • Provide a sequence of construction operations.
  • Describe when each phase will commence and finish.
  • Provide the duration of work.
  • Note proposed hours of work activity on the site.
  • Provide primary contractor’s name, address, phone number as well as the 24-hour
  • contact for the contact person representing the applicant.


Mobility Impact

The purpose of this section is to describe the impacts of the project on road users and the proposed mitigation measures.

  • Describe how construction activities will impact the community (pedestrians, cyclists, transit, emergency vehicles, trucks, etc)
  • Describe the suggested mitigation measures to minimize corruption
  • Describe how safety concerns for cyclists and pedestrians will be mitigated
  • Include written approval from impacted agencies including transit/emergency vehicles
  • Describe how many truck trips will be required per hour and day
  • Describe the truck route(s) to be used


Community Impact

The purpose of this section is to describe the impacts of the project on the community (including the impacts on parking for businesses and residents) and the proposed mitigation measures.

  • Estimate how many construction worker vehicles will be on-site and describe how parking demands will be met (ex. Review of parking lots, provision of carpool program, shuttles, etc)


Work Zone Traffic Control Devices

The purpose of this section is to illustrate Traffic Control Plans for the project.

  • Prepare a detailed Traffic Control Plan drawing showing all signage and spacing, applicable pavement markings, vertical signs, delineation devices, channelization devices, traffic control persons, building zones, site access, and wheel wash location
  • Prepare separate TCPs for each phase


Communication Plan

The purpose of this section is to illustrate how stakeholders will be informed of project impacts.

  • Create a list or map of affected agencies, businesses, residents and property owners
  • Create a letter/notice template that will be distributed prior to commencement of construction

Ready to start your TMP? Standards for TMPs are set by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the BC Motor Vehicle Act. Our team at Universal Group is happy to guide you through the process and meet any of the project’s traffic control needs.

Contact us to learn more about our Traffic Management Plan services.