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6 Reasons to Hire Temporary Staff

It wasn’t long ago that the term temporary staffing was synonymous with unskilled labour. But specialized skills and a preference for flexible work hours and environments has led many skilled workers into the world of temporary staff. Whether freelancers, gig workers, or temporary staff, these days, it’s not uncommon to seek out specific skills for the time you need them. Between these, temporary staff allows you to work with a staffing agency that counts on experienced recruiters to mediate between candidates and hiring managers to ensure the right fit. And that’s not all. Here are 6 more reasons to hire temporary staff:

1. You value workplace morale

Staff turnover invariably impacts workplace morale. When people see their coworkers being laid off and are forced to work overtime to make up their work, it affects their perceived job security and productivity. Unfortunately, staff turnovers are impossible to avoid all-together, especially for businesses whose staffing needs vary with seasons or projects. But frequent turnovers are embraced as part of the work culture of temporary staff and turning to them can relieve some of the impacts on workplace morale. When core staff turnovers occur, temporary staff can be introduced with clear expectations and fill voids so others are not overworked.

2. You are looking for meaningful long term hires

It may seem ironic but temporary staffing is a proven path to meaningful long term hires. Finding staff who are the right fit takes time and evaluating the compatibility of work ethic and culture is not an easy task. Temporary staffing allows employers to take the time they need to fill a core staff role while alleviating some of the workload pressures created from being short-staffed. Not to mention it allows employers an opportunity to work with and test the suitability of various candidates in a short-term and cost-effective way.

3. Your staffing needs fluctuate

While some industries benefit from Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 work hours year-round, many others do not. Tourism-dependent or weather-dependent businesses, for example, may experience drastic fluctuation in their staffing needs. Temporary staffing allows those businesses the flexibility to maintain optimal staffing levels in a cost-effective and time-saving way. Even for otherwise staff-stable business, fluctuations may be created by maternity leaves, vacations, illness or disability leaves, or sabbaticals. Being able to source help without long term commitment makes temporary staffing a highly desirable choice for employers.

4. You want to save time and money on short-term projects

The process of recruiting, screening, hiring, paying, and laying off staff can be costly and time-consuming. While the effort pays off as it relates to core staff, it is not the best method for supplementing staff for short-term projects. Luckily, temporary staffing allows businesses to curtail the entire process through agencies that bear the responsibility and financial burden of recruiting, screening, hiring, and paying staff. Employers don’t even need to worry about the paperwork or costs of providing workers compensation, insurance, medical/dental benefits, vacation, sick pay, or retirement.

5. You take on new projects routinely

When a business finds itself taking on new projects routinely, it can count on unfamiliar challenges which make it difficult to predict staffing needs. But the flexibility of temporary staffing can help project managers stay on time and budget by gaining them access to the skills they need for the time they need them. Nothing more, nothing less.

6. You want regular access to new skills

One of the greatest benefits of temporary staffing is the fresh perspective it brings. Temporary staff bring new skills and experience that may improve efficiency or discover opportunities to streamline efforts. Their approach can spark moments of critical-thinking and growth for core staff. And if a project requires skills outside of the core staff’s area of expertise, temporary staff can be a great source of support to keep things moving.

Interested in temporary staffing? Consider partnering with M3 Personnel, a division of the Universal Group which offers basic and elite staffing services throughout the Lower Mainland. We have qualified, reliable, and skilled temporary staff ready to work for you.