8320 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 4N9
Office Hours
M-F 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Universal Group and its traffic control brand, Protech Traffic, based in Chilliwack has been serving the Fraser Valley for 18 years. Protech Traffic control focuses it Traffic Control services on Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and Hope 

Our Fraser Valley Traffic Control Services through Protech Traffic features:

  • Suite of Traffic Control options
  • Industry leading Traffic Management Plan team
  • 24/7 dispatch
  • Well equipped fleet of trucks to support your project
  • Access to our State of the art Traffic Signs manufacturing facility in Langley, focused on the fastest lead times and uncompromised quality
  • From our Chilliwack or Langley locations, access to Inventory of Traffic Equipment for rental or purchase

Traffic Control in the Fraser Valley:

With the largest team and highest calibre of Traffic Control Persons and Lane Closure Technicians with a wide ranging fleet of vehicles paired with Occupational Health and Safety Advisors in field, we support:

  • Road construction and Infrastructure projects
  • Utilities and Telecommunications
  • Special events
  • Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments

Traffic Signs in the Fraser Valley:

From our Langley manufacturing facility we are to serve our Fraser Valley customers using the latest technology in equipment and materials from industry leading suppliers like Avery and 3M, we are able to provide the industry’s fastest lead times and the highest quality products to meet your specifications. Our capabilities and offering include:

  • Installation
  • Custom sign manufacturing capability
  • Largest instock inventory of Traffic Signs  most commonly used including those required Ministry of Transportation
  • Traffic Sign hardware

Our Traffic Equipment  offering in the Fraser Valley includes the widest range and inventory levels of AFAD’s (Automated Flagger Assistance Devices), Message Boards and Trailers, Barricades, Delineators, Crash Attenuators, Lighting and Road Marking – Pains and Tapes. Our local, Chilliwack based team is:

  • Highly responsive, deliver and setup
  • Manage Message Board messaging and Location tracking via GPS
  • Troubleshoot via phone or conduct Equipment Maintenance  in field or at our Langley Operations facility

Contact us for Service Inquiries.